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Using Project-based Learning Multimedia as a Teaching-Learning Strategy

Posted on by Junalen Bernas Lubaton

Using Project-based Learning Multimedia as a Teaching-Learning Strategy

Using project-based learning multimedia as a teaching-learning strategy makes teaching-learning more effective and gives chance for students to work with whatever software and technology they will be using. Through the use of multimedia, teachers can create a meaningful lesson and implement projects for students using the technology. It will allow students to produce projects using the different software and peripherals.

We cannot isolate multimedia in teaching-learning process because it is already integrated with other subjects and in the content of the K to 12 curriculum. In this generation, technology is very important which we can work and connect with real world. And in making projects as part of the assessment of the teacher, students may become imaginative wherein they can develop their creative thinking and interpersonal intelligence as they collaborating with other students on how to accomplish the task. So, multimedia as part of the teaching-learning process can make the teaching more effective if the teacher is efficient enough in using it.

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